
Showing posts from April, 2012


Look at this table!  Personal Pronoun  Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun   Objective Pronoun  I My Mine  Me    He His  His  Him   She Her  Hers  Her   It Its  Its  It   They Their  Theirs  Them   We Our  Ours  Us   You Your  Yours  You  Personal Pronoun is usually used in front of the sentence. e.g. He plays football. Possessive Adjective is followed by object. e.g.   I go to her house. Possessive Pronoun is used without followed by object. e.g. This is yours ? Objective Pronoun is usually used as object in a sentence. e.g. Tomy saw them yesterday. Reflexive Pronoun is used to refer to the subjec...

What's Make You Beautiful - One Direction (Song Lyric)

You're insecure, don't know what for   You're turning heads when you walk through the door   Don't need make-up - to cover up   Being the way that you are is enough   Everyone else in the room can see it Everyone else but you   Baby you light up my world like nobody else   The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed   the way you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell   You don't know Oh oh You don't know you're beautiful!   If only you saw what I could see   you'd understand why I want you so desperatley   Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe   You don't know Oh oh You don't know you're beautiful!   Oh oh That's what makes you beautiful!   so c-come on!! you got it wrong!   To prove I'm right I put it in a song   I don't know why, you're being shy   And turn away when I look in to your eye eye eyes   Everyone else in t...

Passive Voice

Look at these sentences below! A. Roni breaks   the vase . B. The vase is broken by Roni . Sentence A we call Active Voice and sentence B we call Passive Voice . In passive voice , we change Subject becomes Object and Object becomes Subject . We use verb 3 (past participle) in passive voice. Formula for passive voice: Subject + to be + Verb 3 + Object Example: A. Present Simple Active : Thomas plays football everyday. Passive: Football is played by Thomas everyday. B. Present Continuous Active  : Jeremy is eating hamburger now. Passive : Hamburger is being eaten by Jeremy now. C . Past Simple Active  : They watched telly's programme yesterday. Passive : Telly's programme  were watched by them yesterday. D. Past Continuous Active  : Andre was buying his new shoes. Passive : His new shoes were being bought by Andre. E. Present Perfect Active : Sherly has written the poem for 2 days. Passive: The poem has been written by Sherly ...

Majas dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Lihatlah beberapa kalimat dibawah ini! 1. Pepohonan berbaris rapi menyambut kedatangan kami. 2. Saya pergi ke sekolah menggunakan Toyota . 3. Suaranya dapat memecah langit ! Kalian tentu pernah mendengar kalimat-kalimat tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ketiga contoh di atas menggunakan gaya bahasa atau yang dikenal pula dengan sebutan majas . Prinsipnya, majas adalah penggunaan kata-kata kiasan dan perbandingan yang tepat untuk mengungkapkan suatu maksud agar membentuk pemilihan bahasa yang tepat. Jenis-jenis majas: 1. Majas metafora adalah majas yang menggunakan kata-kata yang bukan sebenarnya, melainkan sebagai kiasan. Contoh: Sang raja rimba mengaum dengan gagahnya. 2. Majas metanemia adalah majas yang menyebutkan sesuai dengan merek bendanya. Contoh: Saya menulis menggunakan Kenko . 3. Majas personifikasi adalah majas yang memperorangkan benda mati seperti hewan, tumbuhan dan benda-benda lainnya. Contoh: Angin pantai berbisik kepadaku. 4. Majas litotes adalah ...

Kata Umum Dan Kata Khusus

Pernah mendengar istilah ini sebelumnya? Saya rasa kalian semua pernah mendengarnya. Mari kita bahas lebih intensif! A. Kata Umum (Hipernim)  Kata umum adalah kata yang luas ruang lingkupnya. Contoh : Alat tulis, bunga, warna, dll. - Jono membeli alat tulis di toko buku. - Bu Anisa menanam bunga di kebunnya. - Warna yang diarsir siswa itu sangat indah. B. Kata Khusus (Hiponim) Kata khusus adalah kata yang lebih sempit ruang lingkupnya. Contoh: Pena;pensil;penghapus, mawar;melati;anggrek, biru;merah;hijau, dll. - Zayn membeli pena, pensil, dan penghapus di toko buku. - Andre memberikan bunga mawar kepada pacarnya. - Rumah bercat biru itu adalah rumah Rizal. Nah, sudah mengerti bukan?

Past Simple VS Present Perfect

May be half of you are still confused about these tenses right? Don't worry, I will explain it to you. Past Simple : Tells us about an action that has already happened on that time. It doesn't have a relation until now. ( Sudah basi ). Example: Miss Rahayu taught English in here 2 years ago . Ridho waited his friend yesterday . Those sentences mean that Miss Rahayu doesn't teach English in here again and Ridho doesn't wait his friend again. Formula : S + Verb 2 + O/C Present Perfect : Tells us about an action that has happened and still have  relation until now. ( Belum Basi ). Example : Miss Rahayu has taught English since 2 years . Ridho has waited his friend for an hour . Those sentences mean that Miss Rahayu still  teaches English in here and Ridho still  waits his friend. Formula : S + to be (Has/Have) + Verb 3 + O/C So, Do you get it?

Jenis Surat dan Bagian-Bagiannya

Kalian tentu saja pernah menulis surat, kan? Apakah kalian tahu jenis surat yang kalian tulis? Nah, di sini, kita akan membahasnya. Secara umum, surat terbagi menjadi 2 jenis. 1. Surat Pribadi Surat pribadi adalah surat yang ditulis sendiri untuk dikirim ke orang-orang terdekat atau keluarga. Surat ini ditulis dengan bahasa sehari-hari/ bahasa pasar (informal language). Surat ini tidak menggunakan kepala surat (kop surat) dan nomor surat. Biasanya surat pribadi memiliki bagian-bagian sebagai berikut: 1. Tempat, tanggal,bulan,tahun penulisan surat 2. Alamat tujuan surat 3. Salam pembuka 4. Kalimat pembuka 5. Isi surat 6. Kalimat penutup 7. Salam Penutup 8. Tanda tangan 9. Nama pengirim 2. Surat Dinas/Surat Resmi Surat resmi adalah surat yang ditulis oleh suatu lembaga atau instansi khusus yang biasanya memiliki kepala surat (kop surat) dan nomor surat. Dalam menulis surat resmi, bahasa yang digunakan haruslah bahasa yang formal dan baku. Bahasa yang dituli...

Present Perfect Tense

It is used to tell us about an action that has completed and still has relation until now. Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah pekerjaan yang telah selesai dikerjakan dan masih memiliki hubungan sampai sekarang. Pattern / Pola Kalimat: (+) Subject + Has(She,He,It) / Have (They,We,I, You) + Verb 3 + Object or Complement E.g. Mr.Rhido has worked here since 2010. ( - ) Subject + Has/Have + not + Verb 3 + Object or Complement E.g. Mr.Ridho has not worked here since2010. ( ? ) Has/Have + Subject + Verb 3 + Object/Complement  E.g. Has Mr.Ridho worked here since 2010. ( + ) S + Has/Have + been + N/Adj/Adv + O/C E.g. Jenny has been smart since she was 3 years old. ( - ) S + Has/Have + not + been + N/Adj/Adv + O/C E.g. Jenny has not been smart since she was 3 years old. ( ? )  Has/Have + S +  been + N/Adj/Adv + O/C E.g. Has Jenny been smart since she was 3 years old. Time Signal We use since or for to show the time signal. Since : Since 1998, Since M...

华文寫作日期 Penulisan Tanggal Dalam Bahasa Mandarin

Penulisan tanggal dalam 华文 dimulai dari tahun lalu diikuti dengan bulan dan tanggal/hari. 1.写作年份 Penulisan Tahun 写作年份 cukup meyebut angka tahunnya saja. Contoh: Tahun 1945  ~> 一九四五年 Tahun 1870  ~> 一 八七零年 2. 写月 Penulisan Bulan 写月dalam 华文 cukup mengikuti urutan bulannya saja. Januari   = 一月 Ferbuari   = 二月 Maret =  三 月 April =  四月 Mei =  五月 Juni =  六月 Juli =  七月 Agustus =  八月 September =  九月 Oktober =  十月 November =  十一月 Desember =  十二月 3.写日期 Penulisan Tanggal Untuk menulis tanggal dalam Bahasa Mandarin, cukup menulis angkanya saja dengan menambahkan  日 Contoh: Tanggal 17 ~>  十七 日 Contoh Penulisan Tanggal Yang Lengkap: 25 Mei 2006 ~> 二零零六年五月二十五日 所以,很容易 'kan?

Superstitious Things

Actually, this is my speaking material in my English Course. I just want to share it to you to add your knowledge about superstitious things. Do you know superstitious? It is an adjective that come from word superstition.  It is the belief  that particular events  bring good or bad luck. And I will give you some example of it. T he  number of 4 Chinese people believe that number of 4 will bring bad luck for us. Because in Chinese , number of 4 pronounced “Si” and it has the other meaning with die. According  to  metaphysician   , the bad spirit likes number 4. Many building and places change the forth stairs become 3B. So it's not strange if we see number 3B on the button of the lift. In the other hand, many building and places don't believe that superstition. They still write number 4 on the lift button. Sometimes, the workers that work in forth stairs usually listen the strange sound and see the strange shadow. 2.    ...