Got my master's degree

Pursuing a master's degree has been a dream since I took my undergrad study. After receiving my bachelor's degree in December 2020, I began my professional career in a telecommunications company while also deciding to start my postgrad journey. Becoming a professional and a postgrad student at the same time was not a piece of cake. It was just like a rollercoaster ride, with some ups and downs for sure. I had to split my attention between working on the weekdays and dealing with my postgrad thingy on the weekends. But, luckily, I could overcome those challenges pretty well by making friends with sleepless nights and shots of caffeine. 

It took eighteen months of attending lectures, conducting ethnographic fieldwork, analysing data, and writing thesis reports until I successfully defended my thesis on 23rd September 2022. What an exhausting yet exciting life journey! I told myself that getting to this point isn't just about the completion of the study, but also about consistency, responsibility, and time management. 

Basically, I enjoy working on my thesis. It investigates the shift of religious authority in the digital sphere, by focusing on an online Buddhist meditation community led by Samanera Abhisarano. Although he stays in Batu, East Java, he has maintained an online community in which members come from different cities across Indonesia. Through eight-month online and onsite ethnographic fieldwork, I observed, captured, and analysed the way the studied community members engaged with religious practices and discussion in the digital environment. 

In May 2022, I paid a visit to the temple where Samanera Abhisarano stays, Vihara Dhammadipa Arama. As soon as I stepped into the temple, my gaze was drawn to a large golden pagoda soaring in the centre of this area. Cambodian architecture is reflected through the design and ornament of the pagoda. During my visit, I lived in a small cottage in front of Samanera Abhisarano's cottage. Living there, I could participate in his daily activities from chanting in the early morning until guiding meditation session remotely from a computer on his room. Every day, morning breeze and the crowing roasters woke me up. What an intriguing research process, isn't it? The biggest obstacles during my postgrad journey was splitting time proportionally. 

The Abbott of Vihara Dhammadipa Arama, Venerable Khantidharo Mahathera. 

Samanera Abhisarano and I in front of the iconic pagoda. 

Although the process was not without challenges, I feel blessed because I am surrounded by supportive people. I was supervised by Dr. Rudi Sukandar, the one who has given me some advice on writing ethnography since he also employed an ethnographic method in his previous dissertation. Being under his supervision has taken some of the burdens in this postgrad journey. Moreover, the leaders in the company where I work, Pak Jeff and Ci Reggy, are also really compassionate and understanding. I couldn't think of anything else to say except thank you! To Bang Geo, my role model, who is all ears to listen to my ups and downs, both as a lecturer and a friend. And most importantly, to my mum and dad, for their endless support. I always dream of making both of them proud! 

This master's degree that I got recently is not the end of my academic adventure. Next wish list to achieve: pursuing PhD! WML! 


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